About Us

T4 is a company headquartered in the USA, dedicated to helping families with fun, rewarding and effective Bible teachings and products.

We serve ALMIGHTY GOD by equipping families around the world learn how to read, understand and believe the Bible.

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Why T4

“Few people read the Bible, and that’s because they don’t understand it or get anything out of it.   Plus most churches don’t teach others how to make sense of God’s Word for themselves. No matter what church you go to or not, things we teach and products we provide will UPGRADE your understanding.  Nobody needs to be sitting in the dark another day.  Join us on this learning adventure!  Get MUCH more out of the Bible, and therefore more out of life.  End ignorance; choose enlightenment! ”

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How It All Started

ENTHUSIASM, a knowledge of the Bible and a plan -- with these ingredients T4 was born. Years of biblical study and application have helped us grow, learn and serve with numerous churches and ministries. With energy and a knack for simplifying complex subjects, T4 has helped adults and children know the details of the Bible with spot on, accurate teaching. Our style is down to earth and "nonreligious". Our specialty is in cutting through the drama of denominational arguments and helping people develop their own abilities to recognize what the Bible really says and what it really doesn't, not to blindly follow the herd.

No fancy degree, no name dropping, no famous accolades help much to prepare a person to share God's Word. DILIGENT EFFORT in studying the Bible for over 25 years is a major reason why we are well suited to teach others on certain Bible subjects.  The founder of T4 has a Bachelor Degree in Speech Communication and a spiritual pedigree of learning from many fine men and women of renowned spiritual insight. 

For many years, we looked for the best way to make a difference. HELPING OTHERS develop skill and confidence in understanding the Bible became his passion. He wanted to get rid of the "mumbo jumbo", plus make it fun and rewarding. Thus, T4 has become a blueprint for others to follow, with simple teachings designed in bite size pieces, and fun products too, based on useful and unbiased information, not elaborate and opinionated commentary.

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T4 Over the Years

We've come a long way!  Back in the day our T4 Products had to be shipped in a box to each customer, complete with 20 compact discs, a thumb drive and a printed syllabus.  The challenge however, was that CDs were being phased out and fewer homes and cars had them.  Even the thumb drives were beginning to be difficult to utilize, since more and more computer devices were limited on connectivity.


So, we are thankful for the many people we helped over the years and the hard work we gave to fulfill those physical orders.  We've changed with the times and as many people as want to can now can get their Bible teachings instantly!

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Tools to Build Your Understanding

of the Bible

CORE took seven months to build, but it took decades of learning before it was finally recorded in 2017. This long awaited project has already been out for 3 years!  Yet most people have not heard of it yet, til now.  That's because we have just reached another milestone!  Here at T4 is a very exciting time.  In AUGUST 2020 we truly released our course to the world, making CORE available in digital format.  Prior to this, we were sold out of our physical materials (since it was originally delivered via compact discs, thumb drive and a printed syllabus), but now we have an unlimited supply and more people can take the course!  With everything now digital, any person anywhere anytime can learn to get strong in one of the most basic and critical skills in life, reading and understanding the Bible.

Learn About Doing CORE